When someone loses something, they search for it until they find it.

Whether you are searching for a cup of strength to get through your daily grind,
a bucketful to build your confidence,
or a truck-load to help you put your house in order,
you’ve come to the right place.

Start searching today!


Maybe you’re searching for...

Patience to be the best parent you can be.

• The courage to make that call you’ve been putting off.

• More faith to deal with your grief and loss.

finding strength

Start searching today, and cultivate your inner strength.

“Ask, and it will be given to you;
seek, and you will find;
knock, and it will be opened to you.”

-Matthew 7:7

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Stop Stumbling and Start Soaring

Finding Strength on our Daily Walk

Fearless in 30

This Fearless Challenge is designed to help you face your fears head-on, build your courage and develop the resilience necessary to tackle any obstacle that comes your way. Over the course of 30 days, you will engage in daily activities and exercises that will push you outside of your comfort zone and help you develop a fearless mindset.

Download the free workbook and start cultivating your inner strength today!

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Finding Strength on our Daily Walk

Stop stumbling and start soaring

Grab your copy of Finding Strength on Our Daily Walk and add some tips to your strength toolbox.

Learn how to:

  • Muster the courage to live up to your holy calling

  • Start walking

  • Overcome obstacles on your path

  • Find your strength

  • And finally reach your destination!

Strength Toolkit

My mission is to encourage and inspire people to build their strength toolkit and live with more joy, peace and confidence.

Whether you're looking to overcome self-doubt, build resilience, or cultivate a growth mindset, browse through the blog posts and add some tips and tools to your toolkit.

Know Your Why

Know Your Why

January 03, 20243 min read

The new year begins, along with a new attitude. And new goals (or reaffirming old ones). This year will be different. This year I’ll lose the weight, eat healthier, declutter the house, build a business, finish that project, be more patient, etc.

But how do we keep our new attitude day after day? Week after week? How do we keep the procrastination from creeping back in? How do we remain committed when the daily grind overwhelms us?

King Solomon wisely declared, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18). The New Living Translation says, “the people run wild.” In today’s world, there are so many things vying for our attention, it is easy to run wild.

Or get lost.

Or both.

King Solomon knew it was important to know where he was headed–before his journey began. In a time where he didn’t have to check his email, update his Facebook status, or share his palace photos on Instagram. He had a plan in place. He had a vision. And he stayed focused on that vision.

What are we hoping to achieve? What is our vision? Is our goal to lead our team with more confidence? To learn a new skill? Or give up a bad habit or two, or run a marathon?

Moses had a clear goal. His goal was to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. To the land flowing with milk and honey. And he kept that vision in his mind for 40 years as he led the Israelites through the desert. At the end of his life, when he knew he would not be allowed to enter the Promised Land, his vision was still focused on the people of Israel. He told God to appoint them a new leader, so they wouldn’t wander as sheep with no shepherd. So they wouldn’t run wild.

We need to keep our vision in mind, too. Not just as we begin a new year, but all year long. For the long, dark days ahead when it’s easier to give up than keep going. And for the warm weather days when the sunshine beckons and we long to run wild and free.

To help keep our vision in mind, include the reason for our goal. What’s our why behind it? Why do we want it? Why are we passionate about this goal?

Moses didn’t wander in the wilderness for 40 years for the fun of it. He had a purpose. He had an important why. A passionate why.

What is our passionate why? Is our reason passionate enough to keep us focused on good days and bad? During times of stress and weariness? Is our goal in line with the Lord’s vision for our life? We have a Good Shepherd who will lead us. Pray about it. Ask for guidance. Will this goal bring us closer to the Promised Land? Or farther away?

Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Psalm 25:4

“Jesus gives us hope because He keeps us company, has a vision and knows the way we should go.”
- Max Lucado

Download the Fearless in 30 Challenge. Everyday, for the next 30 days, do something that scares you. Record your thoughts, actions, and results in your journal, and at the end of the Challenge review how far you’ve come.

Lee Davis

Lee Davis is the founder of FindingStrength.ca, a website designed to encourage and inspire people to build their strength toolkit and live with more joy, peace and confidence.

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