I started a new job this week. All along I’ve felt like this position was from God. I’ve been very particular about the jobs I’ve been applying for, but this one checked all the boxes and more. ...more
Joy ,Rise up Faith &Prayer
February 08, 2024•3 min read
One stormy night, Peter faced doubt. The disciples were in the middle of the sea; their boat tossed by the raging waves. Spotting a figure walking toward them on the water, they became terrified. But ... ...more
Perseverance ,Joy Storms Faith &focus
January 24, 2024•2 min read
Results of a recent study depicted Ontario as the second angriest region in the country. Is this what we want to be known for? To be acknowledged for? Anger is definitely not what we want to celebrate... ...more
Gratitude ,Joy Love &Shine
November 28, 2023•1 min read
I almost saved our last local newspaper. As a writer, I love the written word. I love holding the paper in my hand. And here was a piece of history I could save. The final print edition. The final pri... ...more
Joy ,Love &Shine
September 20, 2023•2 min read
My husband and I watched the movie “Evan Almighty” the other night. In the movie, God, played by Morgan Freeman, explains to Evan how we can change the world. The solution is simple. The solution is s... ...more
Joy ,Love &Shine
September 14, 2023•1 min read
After the Sabbath following Jesus’s death, Mary of Magdalene and Mary the mother of James rose early and went to the tomb. But the tomb was empty. Jesus wasn’t there. “Do not be afraid,” an angel told... ...more
Joy ,Rise up Storms &Sailing
July 05, 2023•3 min read
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